In 1725, Johann Joseph Fux wrote Gradus ad Parnassum (Steps to Parnassus), one of the first and most influential “music theory textbooks.” The title references Mount Parnassus in Greece, home to the Muses—the goddesses of literature, the sciences, and the arts. Many renowned composers, including Mozart, studied from Gradus ad Parnassum, making it a cornerstone of music theory education.
The title Steps to Music Theory carries a double meaning. It pays homage to Fux’s Steps to Parnassus while also symbolizing the gradual, step-by-step process students take to master music theory. This resource is designed to break down complex concepts into clear, accessible instructions.
Steps to Music Theory has since expanded to Steps to Harmonic Dictation, Steps to Chord Progressions, and a Steps to Classical Forms Anthology. It is my sincere hope these free resources will support students in reaching their musical goals.