Books on Music Theory

Steps to Music Theory

  • Steps to Music Theory Volume I: Fundamentals covers the fundamentals of music theory in an easily digestible step-by-step format with accompanying video lectures.

  • The Steps to Music Theory Volume I: Fundamentals textbook and accompanying video lectures are FREE online, and a printable PDF with scannable QR codes sells here for $3.99.

Steps to Harmonic Dictation

  • Steps to Harmonic Dictation is an entirely online resource to help both students and instructors. This covers harmonic dictation over 11 units, complete with listening exercises, worksheets, and answer keys.

    Steps to Harmonic Dictation is designed to help students hone their harmonic dictation skills, and to assist educators who are not pianists.

  • Steps To Harmonic Dictation is a FREE online resource, no purchase required.

About the Author

Learn more about Susan de Ghizé