Unit 6. Moving Bass

This section introduces first-inversion tonic and dominant triads. The harmony does not change, but the bass (and inversion) will. The soprano sometimes changes.

#1 - #4 are in c minor. The chords are either i or i⁶.

  • Write in the second soprano note on the staff, and the scale degree number above both soprano notes.

  • Write in the second bass note on the staff, and both Roman numerals.

#5 - #9 are in C minor. The chords are either V or V⁶.

  • Write in both soprano notes on the staff, and the scale degree number above both soprano notes.

  • Write in the second bass note on the staff, and both Roman numerals.

#10 - #14 are in different keys. The chords are either V or V⁶.

  • Write in both soprano notes on the staff, and the scale degree number above both soprano notes.

  • Write in both bass notes on the staff, and both Roman numerals.

#15 - #19 are in different keys. The chords are either I/i or I⁶/i⁶.

  • Quickly identify if the key is major or minor, and write the key followed by a colon.

  • Write in both soprano notes on the staff, and the scale degree number above both soprano notes.

  • Write in both bass notes on the staff, and both Roman numerals.